linkedin marketing

Quick Tips: 5 Things You Should Be Doing on LinkedIn

by Michelle

  • May 15th, 2020 / 
  • Education

QCA Quick Tips: 5 things you should be doing on LinkedIn 

You’ve probably heard of LinkedIn by now, basically it is a social networking site for anyone looking to connect to others in a professional manner. LinkedIn Marketing can be a crucial step in creating new business leads and networking.

Just a few things LinkedIn can be used for: 

  • Finding a job 
  • Connecting with prospective clients 
  • Brand awareness 
  • Sharing your knowledge 
  • Following companies 
  • Joining networking groups 

The B2B focus on LinkedIn allows you to target specific people and companies which is great for finding new business. You can search specific types of people based on their position and make meaningful professional connections. Connect with intention to increase your engagement. 

5 Things You Should Be Doing on LinkedIn 

1. First things first, if you aren’t on LinkedIn, create an account. Upload a recent professional picture. Fill out your headline – make it attention grabbing. People can see your headline when you interact with them so make it count.

2. Create a company profile, include a logo and cover photo. Write up a company description of your services. And most importantly, add your website url! 

3. Post Daily – connections want to learn more about you. Sharing videos from projects you’ve worked on is a great way to show off your company successesOffer advice, tips and best practices. Educate and entertain as you share your experience as a business owner – everyone loves a good story. Show that you are the expert in your field. Use hashtags to extend your reach. It’s quality over quantity so make sure you are sharing things that get engagement.  

4. This can easily get overlooked but don’t forget to connect with people. You have to try but can easily increase your followers by sending an “Invitation to Connect”. Utilize the powerful search feature within LinkedIn to connect with intention and not just with random people. 

5. Engage. Engage. Engage This can easily be done by replying to comments on your posts or commenting on other people’s posts. Don’t forget to like and share other people’s posts. Always interact with engagement and keep the conversation going. 

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and send me your questions!  ➡️  ⬅️

Want more training – sign up for our next Westcoat Marketing Webinar on June 5th, 2020

linkedin marketing